Friday, June 12, 2015

Internet Marketing vs. Real Job

I have had jobs since I was old enough to work. I probably have done it all. You name it, I did it. There is nothing wrong with having a job. We need people that work in the professions that they choose. The day I got laid off was the day I decided to have my own business.

I didn't have the entrepreneur mindset that I have now. Over the past five years I had to develop that frame of mind. I read books by Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and T. Harv Eker. I also read books about the law of attraction and when you combine the two concepts, you end up believing that you are already rich.

I am not a millionaire yet but I will get there soon enough. But it's not about the money. It's about doing the work that you love and that's the secret to true happiness. Plus it's not really "work" if you love what you're doing.

So how does internet marketing differ than having a job? Well the main thing is freedom. I don't have to get up at a certain time and rush to work and worry about being late. I don't have a boss telling me what to do. I don't have to deal with the annoyance of co-workers and I can take a break whenever I want. I don't get paid for my time. I get paid for my efforts. I have no limit to the amount of money I make instead of getting a paycheck of the same amount every two weeks.

Again, I'm not saying that being an employee is bad or inferior to being self employed. But having a job in my opinion is not all that secure. You really don't know how long you're going to have that job. Especially in this economy. People are losing their jobs more in this day and age than ever before. But as long as the internet is around, you can make enough money to not only cover your expenses but to enjoy the luxuries of life. There are more people now that shop online than people who actually shop in stores so there is plenty of money to be made online.

If you are ready to take that step to entrepreneur freedom then I have a report for you to read that shows you exactly how to use get started. And it's totally FREE! Go right now to the right of this blog to download it.

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